Personal History

I was born in Zimbabwe, a small country just above South Africa. My family mainly lived in Zimbabwe, moving to South Africa for a small period of time before moving back to Zimbabwe again. Culturally, I am from mostly English stock with a good mixture of all sorts of other ancestral origins.

After growing up in Zimbabwe, I attended Rhodes University in South Africa where I met my husband Wayne. We moved to Australia in 1998 and have lived in the Canberra region ever since, having fallen in love with the place.

Growing up in a mostly rural third word environment, I find living in a first world city is not really as different as I thought it would be. On the surface everything seems vastly different but once you scratch away the surface, humans are just as varied and complex in their personal mythologies everywhere you go. Every culture has the reflections of both great nobility and the inevitable cruelty found in our individual natures. To me, the images I create are not only representative of an inner world but the world around us and finding the balance between it all:

Reality and dreams;
healing and destruction;
ink and paper.